We zijn ontzettend trots op Tarek, die zowel zijn theorie- als praktijkexamen in ÊÊn keer heeft gehaald â
Lees VerderáĨá ááŽáááĩâá áĨâá¤ááŽáŗá ááĨá¨áĩ (EU) áá°ááá áŽáááŖ áâáá°áĩᲠáááŖá áĩá°á°ááŗáĩá ááĩ á ááĸ ááááĩ áááá ááĩ ááááâáŠáĸ đĒđē
Lees VerderDuring the current crisis, children' schools have been forced to offer online education. And as a new learning method, parents are facing some guiding issues during supporting their children. Therefore, CONSUL-TECH will provide informative sessions for the parents to support the education of their children via the Internet through the schools' educational sites.
Lees VerderIn order to encourage the E-learning and self-development during the current crisis, Consul-Tech is happy to offer you a Free English Live Programs which are provided by our experts in order to use the current time in growing your knowledge and boosting your skills đĄ For now, two English programs for different levels will be offered by the next week. And several various programs are being prepared to be presented to you exclusively by Consul-Tech' E-learning platform đ More will be announced soon! So, Stay Tuned đĸ
Lees VerderConsul-Tech and Aspiraties are proud to announce a new promising strategic partnership that will help both companies to better serve their clients by providing them with high-quality services, and worthy values and experience.
Lees Verder