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Learn proven creative thinking techniques that can help you generate new ideas and develop a blueprint for establishing a climate of creativity at work, and life. You will discover new ways to break through mental barriers, “in-the-box” thinking and frustrating roadblocks. Dispel widely held myths about creativity. In this course, we will understand creativity, empower it and help you unleash your full creative potential.

  • Datum:28/05/2018 05:30 PM - 31/05/2018 08:30 PM
  • Locatie Zernikeplein 7, Groningen, Netherlands (Kaart)
  • Meer informatie:Hanze Hogeschool, IBS I.018


How will you benefit:

- Develop a mindset that facilitates creative thinking.

- Stimulate your own ability to ideate by mastering creative thinking techniques.

- Understand how to turn ideas into new solutions, processes or products.

- Remove individual and team roadblocks to generating ideas.

- Create a motivational climate that stimulates creative thinking.

- Master techniques for managing creative people.

What we will cover:

- Learning the brain functions associated with creativity.

- Discover the difference between creativity and innovation.

- Exploring cognitive techniques to stimulate your creative thinking.

- Self-assessing your personal creative thinking assets.

- Knowing what creativity means in different business contexts: problem solving, process improvement, product development and communication.

- Implementing the idea-to-innovation process.

- Learn mind- mapping techniques and strategies.

- Recognising characteristics of creative people.

- Understanding what motivates creative people.

- Harnessing elements of a corporate culture that stimulates creativity.

- Fostering creativity through the right management practices.

- Learn how creativity grants you more freedom and a much more fulfilling life.

Who is this training course intended for?

What’s Included?
Earn official recognition for your work, and share your success with friends, colleagues, and employers.
The certificates will be presented in cooperation with the International Business School Union 'IBS-U'.

Duration of the course:

ATTN: The mentioned price is only for the Hanze international business school students.
