This initiative is presented by CONSUL-TECH in cooperation with MJD Groningen, and funded by the European Union (AMIF).
Lees VerderFrom the occupational safety and health at the workplace training (VCA-B) in Groningen, in cooperation with MJD Groningen, and funded by the European Union (AMIF).
Lees VerderFrom last Fridays' presented Webinar in cooperation with Stichting Syrische Vrijwilligers Nederland & Celanese Corporation.
Lees VerderConsul-Tech in cooperation with Aspiraties are offering a free opportunity to obtain the VCA-B certificate in the Arabic language ๐
Lees VerderLast Friday from the certification ceremony of the training series 'Migranten Aan Zet op de Arbeidsmarkt V.3' ๐
Lees VerderAnother training program has been rounded this week of our employment and entrepreneurship training series; 'Migranten Aan Zet op de Arbeidsmarkt', In #Groningen ๐
Lees VerderDeze trainingsworkshop is verzorgd door Consul-Tech in samenwerking met Aspiraties, en gefinancierd door MJD Groningen (Migranten Aan Zet); EU AMIF fondsen voor asiel, migratie en integratie.
Lees VerderTijdens de huidige crisis zijn kinderscholen gedwongen om online onderwijs aan te bieden. En als nieuwe methode worden sommige gezinnen geconfronteerd met problemen bij het ondersteunen van hun kinderen tijdens online studeren.
Lees VerderDuring the current crisis, children' schools have been forced to offer online education. And as a new learning method, parents are facing some guiding issues during supporting their children. Therefore, CONSUL-TECH will provide informative sessions for the parents to support the education of their children via the Internet through the schools' educational sites.
Lees Verderแฅแ แแฎแแญแตโแ แฅโแคแแฎแณแ แแฅแจแต (EU) แแฐแแแ แฎแญแแฃ แโแแฐแตแฒ แแแฃแ แตแฐแฐแแณแตแ แแต แ แแข แแแแต แแแแ แแต แแแแโแฉแข ๐ช๐บ
Lees VerderDuring the current crisis, children' schools have been forced to offer online education. And as a new learning method, parents are facing some guiding issues during supporting their children. Therefore, CONSUL-TECH will provide informative sessions for the parents to support the education of their children via the Internet through the schools' educational sites.
Lees Verder